Friday, April 9, 2010

The Flood....

ook I promise I have not forgotten about my blog, truth is I forgot the password and haven't really had time or the motivation to go in and change it.. but seeing as the kids are at their Dad's tonight, house is cleaned and im bored out of my mind, I decided to take care of that.. but I have some catching up to do, not a lot of excitement going on in our house except for, THE FLOOD! so we get up one weekday morning a couple weeks ago and do or normal morning thing, as the kids are waking up I start a load of laundry like usual, we then head up-stairs to get ready for school, about 20 minutes later come back down to water, and a lot of it, covering the laundry room, bathroom, kitchen and dining room oh and the pantry too.. almost reaching the carpet in the living room, but thankfully it didn't! I run in and turn the washer off and just kind of stand there wondering what the heck im gonna do, of course Miss.Perfect Audrey starts telling me how it is getting on her high heels and how I need to clean up the mess, although every towel we had couldn't have touched it! so I leave, take the kids to school and amazing enough my mom's husband happens to work for a water evacuation company and came and cleaned it all up in about 20 minutes!! yay!! since then nothing much has happened except for Keegan eating cat food, and loving it, trying to talk Audrey into having some... yeah, I know.

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